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"The Titans are so fast and when you don't turn up they're capable of destroying you and they did that."

It's been a grueling, grinding sort of match, so perhaps a lot of the players are starting to feel it a bit.

Arrow is less than happy about it and is told by the referee that what he did was "totally unacceptable" and that if he did it again, he'd be in the sin bin.

Not a great end to the half, but oddly appropriate on a night where errors are ruling great play at the moment.

The NRL's bottom side heading into Saturday afternoon's contest, the Titans belied their lowly ladder position with a stunning obliteration of a Warriors side that were nothing short of pathetic, leaving their top eight hopes in tatters.

"Those who repent should publicly apologise and publicly receive 20 lashes with a whip in Red Square," he said.

Reporters were allowed to briefly film the US journalist today before the start of his trial in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg on charges of espionage that he denies.

It brought the total number of warrants against senior Russian suspects to eight since the start of the war - with Vladimir Putin among them.

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Se entiende que existe ese control cuando la sociedad dominante, convocatoria matriz, cumple con los siguientes requisitos:

The Reuters news agency reports that two key advisers for the presumptive Republican nominee have put forward the plan, which involves telling Kyiv it will only get more US military aid if it enters peace talks.

Những ngày đầu thành lập, Ban lãnh đạo Công ty định hướng rằng, thị trường bất động sản đầy tiềm năng đang phát triển tốt, chắc chắn sẽ trở thành một trong những ngành kinh tế năng động nhất.

We're pausing our live coverage That brings an end to our live updates on the Ukraine war for this evening.

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